Publications by Mark Urban-Lurain
(2013). Using computerized lexical analysis of student writing to support just-in-time teaching in large enrollment STEM courses. Frontiers in Education. Oklahoma City: IEEE. (Original work published October 2013)
. (2015). Using faculty learning communities to promote the development of student-centered biology instructors. In SABER.
. (2009). Using lexical analysis software to understand student knowledge transfer between chemistry and biology. National Association of Research in Science Teaching Annual Conference. Garden Grove, CA. (Original work published April 17-21)
. (2017). Using Machine Learning to Explore Student Thinking in Constructed Responses – An Example of Enzyme Binding Structure and Function. In American Society for Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education.
. (2018). Visualizing students' conceptual understanding in STEM: Faculty perspectives and a live web app demo. In AAC&U 2018 Transforming STEM Higher Education. Atlanta, GA.
. (2012). What are they thinking? Automated analysis of student writing about acid/base chemistry in introductory biology. Cbe—Life Sciences Education, 11(3).
. (2018). What Motivates Biology Instructors to Engage and Persist in Teaching Professional Development?. Cbe—Life Sciences Education, 16(3).